Saint Margaret of Scotland
("The Pearl of Scotland")
St. Margaret of Scotland, also known as Margaret of Wessex, was born in 1045 in Hungary. She was the daughter of an English prince and the granddaughter of the King of England, deeming her an English princess and a Scottish queen. Margaret grew up in a very religious environment in the Hungarian court. She married King Malcom III in 1070 and later birthed eight children, six sons and two daughters. Three of her sons later took over the throne, becoming King. She was a great example of a just ruler and influenced her husband and children to be just and holy rulers as well. Margaret was known for her noble character, charitable works, and fervent prayer. After her death in 1093, she was canonized by Pope Innocent IV in 1250 due to her personal holiness, work for ecclesiastical reform, and charity efforts.
Her feast day is celebrated on November 16th, the date of her death. She is considered the patron Saint of mothers, large families, learning, queens, Scotland, and the death of children and widows. One of our great hopes is that St. Margaret's Child Care becomes and feels like one big family. Please join us in praying for the intercession of St. Margaret as we continue this God-given mission.